The Aquamarine Tablet by Team Isabelle Squad (Maya P., Juliette W., Olive K., Natalie L.)

Team Isabelle Squad (Maya P., Juliette W., Olive K., Natalie L.) designed and developed this game at the Girls Make Games 3-week summer camp. To learn more, visit

Game Controls:

Arrow keys to move

Space to shoot bullets

Game Story:

The Aquamarine Tablet is a farming/adventure game where you have to have a successful farm and get the Aquamarine Tablet to restore rain to the town. The first level is all about finding the farm animals and learning all the controls. The second level is about collecting eggs, milk, and wool from farm animals. You run into a wolf and defeat it for coins. The third level is a little bit different. Some burger and drumstick enemies make the animals go crazy and you have to round up the animals and defeat the enemies. The last level is about defeating the wizard’s evil brother (final boss) and getting the Aquamarine Tablet.


Maya in our group came up with the idea as a continuation of previous tablet games she's worked on.

About the Creators:

We love Isabelle from Animal Crossing! Some games we like playing are Push the Button, Roblox, Zelda, Among Us, etc.